Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Great Manifestation

There are great things about The Divine, so many from so many different sources that all of it could never be contained; never ever! The need to Glorify The Truth requires the truth to be unfolded. I give all glory to Krishna Syamasundara, who is God The Father. It is He who approves all religions and supports the stimulus activating the heart of the aspirant. He has three forms by which He establishes the spiritual path in this physical world, the world of Sheol and the Spiritual Sky; (above that being Govindam, his world which is never ever dissolved or destroyed) His three forms are Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva. Brahma and Shiva give all glory to Krishna as The Father Of All, who is in all things, aware of all things and who controls all things everywhere.

There is no difference between the three manifestations personally, except that their functions are different. Brahma and Shiva are The Lord manifesting Himself in lower forms, who depend on The Lord Himself. He does this out of pure love for His Cosmic Creation. It is His Body, with innumerable parts, desiring to have happiness, sustenance and joy. We are his body parts. I may be a mouth, while you may be an ear. Your spouse may be an eye, while you are a hand. All parts are meant to relish and experience The Whole. We must realize our function and operate within the parameters of that function.

Glorifying Krishna Vasudeva as Purusha (The Supreme Person) is The Highest Calling in this life. We all have a spiritual relationship to Him, because He is The Supreme Controller Of The Universe and The Force within it, holding all things in place. He is The Father Of The Lord Jesus Christ, who came to offer Himself, a sacrifice for all of our misgivings, our shortcomings and evil deeds. Krishna is The Father Of Shiva, who comes to glorify Krishna and Brahma Kristi. If there be any question about the authority to speak these things, it should be understood that the unlearned have the same authority to speak of God's Love as the learned.

There is a hope so great, it cannot be contained in all the religions of the world, all the scriptures of the world or all the houses of worship in the world. It can only be attained to through meditation upon the sacred name. As we say this name, we become imbued with the love of God and the desire to serve others. This is The True Path. This path is everywhere, known by innumerable names on innumerable planets throughout the universe. Coming to Krishna and focusing on his name is the easiest spiritual path, He is All In All.

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