Sunday, March 18, 2012

The One True Gospel

The Secular Christian World seeks to hold karma against the sons of Manu. They twist words and meanings of scriptures and assert them as proper interpretation. It's all about interpretation! I may say to a person, "Have you been saved as according to the scriptures?" What does such a question really mean? Insinuating that a person will be resurrected and thrown into a lake of fire for not believing in the right god is what too many Christians are saying with this reference. What the scripture actually means is, "Have you been made whole?" Not being whole doesn't make me walking dead; it just means I've not been restored to my proper relationship with Krsna. This Gospel Jesus preached; meditation upon the name of Krsna!

When a Christian meditates on the name of Jesus he glorifies Yahveh Krishna before the hosts of heaven, because Jesus IS Yahveh Krishna! As The Lord receives worship he responds to His People. He does not hold their sins against them as they do one another. Brahma came as Jesus Christ, The Lamb Of God. His purpose was to fulfill the promise of The Vedas, that Brahma would come and draw a remnant of believers unto Vishnu, The One True God. Many Christians have been led by Jesus to Krishna, but The Lord does not need for all men to know about this; they would reject Him anyway. It is better that they live out their lives as Christians, to be like the Jesus in their scriptures; by which scripture they'll be judged.

The believers of this day speak of an Antichrist coming and fooling everyone into believing him, that He may pull them down with him, in his last desperate attempt to destroy the kingdom of god. Yet, the only one who is coming is Elishiva, who will restore all things to His Faithful Remnant; then Christ will return. He is one with Shiva and Vishnu, who all three are Krishna Acuity; the absolute truth. True Believers glorify Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva as The Supreme Triune Godhead unto The Three Worlds. They are all three one and the same Krishna. Shiva glorifies Brahma unto the glory of Krishna, exactly as the original bible told.

The Ancient Christians believed in Krishna and glorified Him as given by Jesus Christ. They meditated upon His Name and glorified Jesus Christ as Yeshiva Krista, The Supreme Servant! They glorified Him for being The Word Of Krsna personified as a son. Krishna Vasudeva appeared as The Father, The Original Person. Therefore it is prudent to fulfillment of His Testimony, that he send His Son Jesus to bear witness of Krsna; and Shiva comes in the end to restore The Name to the whole world. Let them that have ears be careful how they listen; for the world wears a form of godliness, but imprison and kill the poor in the name of freedom. They mutate food supplies to exact population control; over population which they created.

Glorify The Name Of Krsna To Be Made Whole! It's the only requirement for the righteous to become complete. Be like unto The Ancient Hebrew Cantor, Chant The Name Of Krishna in this manner:

hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare

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