Thursday, June 28, 2012

God Is Going To Forgive Everyone

Clearly I'm not getting my point across. God, as they call him is going to forgive everyone everything. Krsna just wants us to seek forgiveness for now, so that we may enjoy the same joy which we will experience in eternity. This requires some unselfishness on our part. In other words, we need to be willing to enjoy less in the physical, that the spirit body may shine from beneath this obstacle of temporal life. Everything in this world is centered around monetary gain; all religions as well. They all have betrayed the sheep of their flocks. They have all gone out of the way; and because they believe they deserve eternal flames, they do things that "they perceive" are worthy of hellfire. After all, we need to be saved from our sins right? If we can't perceive ourselves as evil, (which requires us to DO evil) then we cannot understand our need to be saved. This is the current condition of man. He blatantly does evil, to prove to himself evil and encourages others to do the same, so that they too may see their "need" to be saved.

Brainwashing kids from the time they're small that everything they do is a sin, is a simple to accomplish. We grow up hearing about how evil everyone is and how we'll become evil if we do what evil people do. You know, natural shit, like exploring your sexuality, beating off, drinking a beer, smoking a joint, or losing your job. But don't lose me now; everything religion teaches is centered around "flocking" people together and scaring them into giving up money. EVERYTHING!!! Christians are lying to their children; speaking of being saved then teaching them to look out for #1. Teaching them that it is good to seek riches and let the body of Christ fend for Itself. America is become the authenticator of brazen attitude, stealing hundreds of trillions of dollars from their own people then going after pot smoking deadbeat dads. The deadbeat is the righteous one. He works for years and years, refusing to promote himself, letting his intense labor be his reward, while his master steals the monetary reward; securing his own future and letting the true worker lose everything!

This is the only sin "God" will be addressing. Neither fornication nor adultery; not even incest will ever make the bar of judgement in this age. For this world has been driven insane by the love of money and the only ones with peace of mind are all of those who have it. What's more they take it all, brainwashing the whole world neath the strain of tyranny; that it's THEIR fault things are so bad. They tell the people who give up everything that THEY are the free loaders. This makes us want hell for them, which is such a sin that we buckle over in shame and worship the devil they provide. All religions are worshiping money and the devils who have taken over this world. They are liars and they do NOT know Jesus Christ. Oh sure when they aren't stuffing themselves full of pork and every other detestable beast they can get their hands on, they actually pray and receive the beginning of wisdom, fear! But that's where it stops! They can't even pull their heads out long enough to consider the possibility that God doesn't need them to be "clean" to be drawn back to him. The body is unclean, but it never touches the soul, formed from The Very Spirit Of Krsna.

There is only one way to receive The True Ramah; and that is to acknowledge that Ramah is The Ancient Of Days. (the ancient national name of "god" being Ra) Then you must acknowledge that this world has been worshiping Baal Gaad, (Lord God) since Baal-am deceived them over 4,000 years ago. Lastly, you must surrender to a god who can truly do ANYTHING, whose judgement belongs to him alone. He has every right to love that which belongs to him forever, whether they be fish, asps, serpents or spiders, snakes, dragons, leviathans or all other manner of unknown horrific ancient beast. He is the life in all things, those who do not love all things are not free, even myself; but I can admire the righteousness of those fortunate enough to be given to the true devotional path. Thus as in Israel, we came forth uttering the sacred syllable 'om', with devotion on behalf of those would could not stop sinning; giving them the sacred syllable in consonant form. And these as "the creators", are righteous in my eyes to assist me counseling the poor and the unsteady. They stand righteous before The Breath, uttering Aumen. Amen Ra, I will not let you or those you deceive steal My Name from this earth for even one more day, saith this god; even Ramah The Great God Of Israel. Search that which THEY have had the decency to shield from this world. For even now as according to the Hebrew Scriptures, these possessed The Omen and dispensed the grace of Ramah, The Amen And The Faithful.

He was and IS The King Of The Northland named Ramah, where Israel directed ALL their sacrifices, how merciful he was; and may I sufficiently glorify him that he may penetrate the hearts of others through what blessing I may receive. May HE Ramah, The Great God bleess them all; every child, every parent, every stranger, every afflicted, every oppressed. In The Words of another who is every bit the divine as you, "can't we all just get along?" It horrifies me that men laugh at these words; but it's Christians, it Jews, it's Muslims, it's Hindus, without regard for the feign to speak of what is sinful, offensive and inappropriate; even violence itself before Ramah Bhavan, The Supreme, Himself. All glory to the one who totally forgives us all, we know this we don't need spared, we need enlightened! And we will be! I dispense this mantra to the entire world.


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