Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Become A Super Manifestor

In life we tell ourselves that the body is who we are and that what we accomplish physically is what defines us. This is not true! Certainly the outer self is who we are, but the refining of that self does not start on the outside by jumping through hoops, passing tests and measuring up; it starts with the inner self. It starts with what we say by the words in our mouths and affirm with the thoughts in our minds. It's about what we say and what we think. It starts in the mind and ends in the mind, because both the ego and the body obey the mind. We should never leave our minds to maintain the body; thus we should never leave our minds to obtain personal goals and accomplishments. We must quiet the minds to shape our destiny.

How do we quiet our minds? How do we shape our destiny? How do we change our thoughts? The answer to this question is simple really. When you truly BELIEVE that you will succeed, then will you succeed. If you create negative thoughts, nurture negative thoughts and seek proof to verify negative thoughts, you have not believed the whole truth. I was guilty of this, because I was acting with the brain, which can only do two things; observe and remember. The mind on the other hand creates on an infinite level, giving birth to what the body can truly accomplish. There is an extra element involved at this point, on an ethereal level; the ability to dream. the ability to aspire and the ability to hope.

We must be faithful to the dream, we must not doubt the dream, we must nurture the dream and refine the dream, bringing it into the here and now. This is the only solution to all the problems; those problems we just could not solve. Sure there are injustices, sure there is unfairness; but if we want to succeed in life, then those external distractions cannot be allowed to make us doubt. The bad people, who point the finger and criticize the temporary failures of the weak-minded should be ashamed of themselves; but they are not! Why? Because they 'believe' in themselves. But let us take comfort in regard to this matter. They do not truly believe in themselves; they believe in their temporary egos.

Most gainsayers think that they are ahead in life, because they believe in the right god or have the right set of morals. But what happens when life deals them a bad hand, making those physical creeds obsolete, forcing them to have faith without all their creature comforts obtained through ill gotten gain? Without their meal ticket spouses, with jobs created through the tyranny of government and unconstitutional legislation. There is a huge working class of over 150,000,000 United States Citizens who pay for every government program, every government function and every government salary. Most of those people pay upwards of 30% to 35% of their salary or wages, just in income taxes. Then another 10% in sales tax, not to mention every other kind of tax the government tries to put on the tab.

Odds like this make it seem hopeless to people who go out, work for minimum wage and live life from paycheck to paycheck. Herein lies the conundrum. If we move ahead and earn more money with the guys who put on their best clothes and pretend to be worth more than the rest of us just sitting on their butts, what does this say about our character? What does this say about our integrity? It makes us ass-kissing backstabbers like them. In all of this confusion, we try to find a solution according to a deliberately unfair criteria, based on prejudiced assumptions. This will never fulfill our hopes and dreams. It's the very reason why we see so many Wall Street Execs commit suicide and company higher ups face devastating ends. Guilt chews them up and spits them out on the hardwood floor of life.

They have all taken a shortcut! Rather than believe in themselves, they have taken up creeds based on biased, exclusive philosophies. The power behind them is men carrying guns, executing their law. To step into this viper brood is an assent to the banishment of the poor and the abandonment of the elderly and the fatherless. We can isolate circumstance and withhold judgement til we are blue in the face, but it will never change the karmic result of service to the unrighteous demands of the gainsayers. Is there any hope? Is there any solution for the laborers, the honest, the gentle, the obedient and the submissive? Yes there is! Yes there is! Yes there is! Lay back in your easy chair, close your eyes, quiet your mind, clear out all of the doubts about yourself and affirm a new difference between you and the rest of the victims.

You are no longer a helpless victim. You are no longer without a solution, because the solution is, always was and ever will be the power of your mind. You will no longer be exploited, because you have control over your own destiny by the word of your mouth and the causeless fluidity of The Higher Mind. That place is the sea of glass where all good things are created; every hope for happiness, long life, prosperity and virtuous endeavor. Yes we are surrounded by the greedy and the vile, but there are good people out there, who live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives. They are people who help others with the treasure they attain in life. Haven't you always said that if you won a million dollars, you would help others and be a beacon of shelter, sustenance, protection and hope?

These kind of people always seem to have a leg up on everyone else; and yet they use that leg up to help others climb up and take hold of more in life. They show them how to move ahead and make sure to care for them with gentleness, patience and unconditional love. Why do they do this? It is because they know that the world tells us there is no inner man, there is no inner dream, there is no inner hope, there is only action and consequence for inaction. This a lie! True and virtuous action is created by the perfection of causeless inaction, born deep in the solace of the meditating mind. We must empty our minds of every presumption, every preconceived idea and every fleeting contradiction. These distractions will keep us from manifesting our true destiny in life. We must find that place in our psyche where dreams are born, nurtured and fulfilled. When we find that place, we must never, ever leave again.

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