Monday, February 27, 2012

The Power Of Destiny

The Power that controls destiny is a subtle force, holding all things in place. It is infinite everywhere at all times. It knows all things, it perceives every event, every action, every sound and every thought. To see this force in the minds eye is to understand your place in the world. This force is close to us all and is always reminding us that we DO have a place. In order to manifest a better destiny for ourselves, we must face this power with maturity and courage. Life doesn't have to be a series of random events, full of uncertainty and commencing in a tragic end. We must become one with this power. But how do we do that? What we say with our mouths and reflect upon in our hearts is how we attain to whatever state of mind we are now in and that to which we shall further attain. There is an Ancient Mantra describing The Power and explaining how to become one with it. The recitation of this mantra in it's original language with understanding will help us to find complete solidarity of purpose. The meaning of this Gayatri Mantra is as follows:

We contemplate The Glory Of Light illuminating the three worlds: gross, subtle, and causal.
I am that vivifying power, love, radiant illumination, and divine grace of universal intelligence.
We pray for The Divine Light to illumine our minds.


Bhur Bhuvah Suvah

Thath Savithur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayath


Here is the Hindi Sanskrit pronunciations, with definitive dialect:

The primeval sound
Bhur: the physical world
Bhuvah: the mental world
Suvah: the celestial, spiritual world
Thoth: That; God; transcendental Paramatma
Savithur: the Sun, Creator, Preserver
Varenyam: most adorable, enchanting
Bhargo: luster, effulgence
Devasya: resplendent,supreme Lord
Dheemahi: we meditate upon
Dhiyo: the intellect,understanding
Yo: May this light
Nah: our
Prachodayath: enlighten,guide,inspire 

Surrendering to the path of enlightenment receives the kundalini power. Yes there is much fear with regard to the mantle Cosmic Wisdom, which has the aforementioned, self confirming testimonies.

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