Saturday, February 25, 2012

Starting Out Anew

The sun peeks through the window and warms our hearts with greetings of a fresh new morning. Life is a beautiful gift! We must put aside any doubts about our ability to say YES. We can shape our own destiny by the words in our mouths and the thoughts in our minds. We do this simply by BELIEVING WE CAN. Life is tough for one reason; spurring us on to faith. It is the design of the universe. Birth, growing up, moving away, facing trials, stumbling about, getting older, getting sick and dying are all designed to spur us on to faith, Great Faith! This faith has the power to bless us with wealth and to give us endless life beyond measure.

There are yoga's and meditations, mantras and rituals; but these are only vehicles for the cause of spirituality. It is what we say with our mouths and think with our minds which brings us to the pinnacle of understanding. We must say with our mouths, "I will succeed", then we will become successful. We are not allowed to doubt either, or we will stumble. Of course that cannot stop us from just getting back up again. We must refresh our minds everyday with new ideas about where our destiny will take us; otherwise destiny will choose from what's just laying around in our heads. It's important to believe in yourself, it will make your dreams come true!

Think in your mind about what you want to do and believe it will come to pass. Don't worry about when, first learn to believe without doubting. Life is God and when we believe that Life will give us better, life will give us better; this is a universal law. God is hidden inside the continuity of life's design and can only reward faith. Faith strong enough to bring about the change we need. But what is that strength comprised of? Total Belief! If I believe a chair will not break when I go to sit down, I won't waste energy worrying about whether or not it will break when I sit in it. Thus the action of sitting becomes a perfect event, why not life as a whole?

But what is Total Belief comprised of? A relaxed faith without doubt. If you know that your attitude is right and that your heart is right, the only thing left to follow is your body. Yes your body! That is what surrendering unto your destiny is all about; easing back and watching it all unfold. I do not believe we should wish for anything more than what we really need, but we can certainly have the things we want in life and be free all worries. Imagine what it is you want and expect to see it. Listen for the promptings of the spirit of action and you will see how making your dreams come true is as easy as believing and receiving.

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